Hidden Valley Documentary. Coming Soon.
A story I have been following and pushing to the media for over a year. Will now be a documentary. Details coming check this page out for more news on this event.
The Hidden Truth of Hidden Valley Documentary Promo
First of many to come featured promo's on the feature documentary on the Hidden Valley Condo's in Berks County, PA; the board members, and the association as well as its residents from corruption to pollution, many stories are to be found here.
Andrew Ostrowski on Hidden Valley Condos
Andy speaks about the Hidden Valley Condos and the issues at hand in this except from the documentary: The Hidden Truth of Hidden Valley.
Hidden Valley NOT HARDLY
The End is Nigh for the Secrets of Spring Township and Berks County, PA ..... as They Say the Jigs Up.
Hidden Valley Hidden Dangers Part 1
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (http://www.youtube.com/upload)
I have full permission of the copyright owners to use these photo's in my story and to help them. Go to my blog http://lordnelga.wordpress.com/2014/02/22/another-story-of-abuse-in-pa-the-hidden-truths-behind-hidden-valley-homeowners-association-part-1/
I'm doing this to help spread awareness of their cause.
Hidden Valley no longer hidden dangers part 2
My continuing investigation into Hidden Valley condos in PA. Why are these places allowed to exist. I will be doing more on this and other stories from around the region..
For those who are new here, I have several articles for people to read on my blog about this place.
I am in the works with more. Just got a lot going on here at the moment.
Much more coming soon.
As I always say STAY TUNED.
Hidden Valley:
The whole story.
I will be including my articles as well as others here soon. So Stay Tuned. Work In Progress.